Multiple Ph.D and research staff openings are available at the Embedded AI and IoT (AIoT) Lab, the Department of Information Engineering (IE), The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

IoT, Smart City, Autonomous Driving, and Smart Health Systems
Experience in at least one of the following areas:

Wireless Networking and Systems
Experience in at least one of the following areas:

Wireless Power Transfer and Backscatter Systems
Experience in at least one of the following areas:

Ph.D: Ph.D candidates receive a full stipend of about $210K HKD/year.
See for application procedure.
Strong Ph.D applicants are welcome to attend the CUHK summer workshop for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, which offers a monthly stipend of HK$25,800. Application deadline for the workshop is May 29, 2020. (

Researcher Series (should be Full Time Research Staff)

Engineer Series (should be Full Time Research Engineers)

To apply, please email CV and supporting documents to

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a world-leading research university ( CUHK has the largest campus of all higher education institutions in Hong Kong. Its scenery campus is located in Shatin, which is 25 minutes from Shenzhen by train. Next to the CUHK campus is the Science and Technology Park - the home to a few hundred high-tech start-ups and major companies offering many research collaboration and internship opportunities. The Department of Information Engineering (IE) ( was founded by Nobel Laureate and former president of CUHK Prof. Charles K. Kao in 1989. IE has gained a world-wide reputation for its leading-edge research and high impact on industries, including setting up the first Internet connection linking HK to the world and being the birthplace of Network Coding (now a major research area in information theory and communication) and a few high-profile high-tech start-ups such as SenseTime.

The Embedded AI and IoT (AIoT) Lab is conducting world-class research at the intersection between systems, networking, and embedded AI. The lab has developed new technologies at the frontier of smart cities, mobile health, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), wireless networks, security and privacy. The director, Prof. Guoliang Xing, is an IEEE Fellow, and has received a number recognitions including the Withrow Distinguished Scholar Award from Michigan State University and Faculty CAREER Award from the US National Science Foundation. The AIoT lab has received two Best Paper Awards and five Best Paper Nominations from prestigious international conferences including ICNP, IPSN, and PerCom. More details are available at





欢迎有实力的博士生申请者参加香港中文大学奖学金计划举办的中大暑期班,每月津贴为25800港元。暑期班的报名截止日期为2020年5月29日。 (

研究员系列 (全职)

工程师系列 (全职)


香港中文大学(CUHK)是世界领先的研究型大学 (。 中大拥有香港所有高等教育机构中最大的校园,风景优美的校园位于沙田区,距深圳仅25分钟火车路程。 中大校园旁边是科技园,这里是数百家高科技初创企业和大型公司的所在地,这些公司提供了许多研究合作和实习机会。 信息工程系(IE) ( 由诺贝尔奖获得者,中大前校长高锟教授于1989年创立。 中大IE系凭借其领先的研究成果和对行业的巨大影响享誉全球, 包括建立了第一个将香港与世界连接的互联网基站,开创网络编码研究(现在已经是信息理论和通信的主要研究领域之一),及创立了数个成功的高科技初创企业(如商汤科技)。

嵌入式人工智能和物联网(AIoT)实验室如今在系统、网络和嵌入式人工智能之间的交叉领域进行世界一流的研究, 已经在智慧城市,移动健康,信息物理系统(CPS),物联网(IoT),无线网络,安全性和隐私性领域开发了多项新技术。 实验室主任邢国良教授当选IEEE Fellow并获得了领域内诸多殊荣,包括密歇根州立大学授予的Withrow杰出学者奖和美国国家科学基金会授予的Faculty CAREER Award。 AIoT实验室已在包括ICNP、IPSN和PerCom在内的国际学术会议中获得了两次最佳论文奖和五个最佳论文提名。 更多有关信息,请访问